Yogyakarta Province is a province located in the South, East, West of Central Java province, Yogyakarta or people call with jogja, Jogjakarta, yogya or Ngayogyokarto is a special region or Province level, Yogyakarta is a State Royal family as well as the Duchy of Paku Alam that fused into the unitary State of the Republic of indonesia.Yogyakarta is famous for its cultural tourism, as well as shore excursions, including the Royal family and there is also the Parangtritis Beach Prambanan Temple is Klaten Regency, Central Java.
Yogyakarta is a settlement that has had its own Government, the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Kingdom and Duchy of Pakualam Ngayogyakarta, in founded in 1755 by Sultan hamengkubuwono 1, was founded by the Duke of pakualaman for Paku Alam 1 in 1813, paku Alam 1 which is also the brother of sultan hamengku Buwono II, the Dutch Government acknowledges that the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta and pakualaman as an empire and have the right to be able to set up its own Bylaws.
In fact Both the Kingdom has got an international recognition, both from the Netherlands, the UK and Japan, but after indonesia proclaimed the independence of Indonesia, which at that time ruled by the Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX as well as Sri Paku Alam VIII, the Royal party stated that Yogyakarta Sultanate and pakualaman merged into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, Yogyakarta becomes the region with special autonomy and expressed with the special region of Yogyakarta (DIY) since that time Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX as well as Sri Paku Alam VIII be the head of the responsible directly to the President of Indonesia.(Indonesia Tourist Heaven Of The World)
Yogyakarta is in the middle of the middle of the southern part of Java Island, the East borders the district had four Yogykarta, and one municipality of. I.e.: Sleman, Regency of Bantul, Gunungkidul, Kulon progo Regency, city of Yogykarta.
Many attractions in Yogyakarta, among which the most famous include:
Bantul District:ParangTritis Beach
Museu m. Pleret
Bantul Depok Beach
Gabusan Art Market
Panggung Krapyak
Indrayanti Beach
Sepanjang Beach
Krakal Beach
Srigethuk waterfall
Kukup Beach
Baron Beach
Ngobaran Beach
Beach Gesing
Glagah Beach
Trisik Beach
Bugel Beach
Congot Beach
Candi Kimpulan
Yogyakarta Palace
Jalan Malioboro
Alun Alun Kidul
Sonobudoyo Museum
Gedung Agung
The Royal Train Museum
Pasty Yogyakarta
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