The beauty of the Pink Beach tourism in East Lombok

Pink Beach is actually a nickname or a name other than the beach Tangsi. Named because of the color of Pink sand Beaches on this coast looks a little reddish or pink. This beach is located in the village of Sekaroh, a small village in Jerowaru Subdistrict, Lombok Timur. Unusual colors is what makes Beach Tangsi or Pink Beach as a unique and beautiful place to visit while on a trip to the island of Lombok. The beach with such characteristics can also be found on Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara.

Pantai pink lombok, Pantai tangsi lombok, wisata pantai di lombok, wisata lombok, tempat wisata di pulau lombokActually, the color of the sand on the beach with Pink beaches in General, are white. However, the sand here mixed with fragments of coral reefs smooth reddish colored, making it look remotely like a sand-colored pink. This pink color will be more clearly seen when the sand is exposed to sea water, especially if the weather was sunny.

The word in the Dictionary Of Tangsi Indonesian Language means "the dorm" or "barak". So many assumptions if this beach never was formerly the headquarters of Japan's army. This was confirmed with the discovery of artificial caves and a cannon relics of Japan not far from the beach.

The Beauty Of The Pink Beachpantai pink lombok, Pantai tangsi lombok, wisata pantai di lombok, wisata lombok, tempat wisata di pulau lombok
In addition to the typical beach sand, Pink Beach also has a very impressive natural panoramas. Desekeliling cliffs coast there is high enough and also berugak (a sort of hut/Hall) on it provided for tourists to enjoy the beach and the sea off. The distinctive scent of the sea water, coastal breezes and the sound of waves hit coral reefs make the hearts and minds of visiting here still.

Pink Beach has a fairly quiet stream with very small waves hit, so this place is perfect for those of you who want to travel and take your child's play. In addition, take your time to go snorkelling here, and you will be amazed by its coral reefs. However, there are some points of its reefs damaged by anchor-the anchor of a local fishing boat.

pantai pink lombok, Pantai tangsi lombok, wisata pantai di lombok, wisata lombok, tempat wisata di pulau lombok
Unfortunately, the beauty of the unspoiled beaches of tanjung Ringgit is not so familiar with tourists due to the location and the access road to this place is inadequate.

How to go to the beach PinkLokasi Beach Tangsi/Pink Beach is quite far from the city of Mataram, so it takes about two hours to get to this location. His route is exactly the same as a route to Tanjung Ringgit, because it is the location of both adjacent. Only, the entrance to the beach is about 1 Km Tangsi before Tanjung Ringgit. Note there is writing on the side of the road "PINK Beach 50 metres", from there you can walk to the beach site.

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